Smooth sailing to revenue growth: Why high-performing sales leaders are leveraging analytics.

Sep 25, 2024 - 11:00
Smooth sailing to revenue growth: Why high-performing sales leaders are leveraging analytics.

Like many energetic sales leaders, when Domo’s VP of Corporate Sales Jeff Skousen starts his day, it’s with a workout—and in his case, that typically means a long mountain bike ride. But before he even gets on the trail, Jeff kicks off his day by looking at 5 “hot” metrics that are front and center in his Domo app. This helps him to take immediate action on both potential issues and opportunities to help his growing sales team close deals more effectively.

Whether it’s a neglected lead that is past due for a next step, a customer upsell that needs support, or uncovering the need for a special marketing campaign for next quarter, with Domo, Jeff is able to identify the most important areas at a glance and then allocate resources to drive his team toward their goals.

Here are 3 key benefits that an effective sales analytics platform can bring any organization.

  1. Access to relevant data.

As a busy sales leader, you need insights that help you run a better sales org, perfect pipeline performance, and drive future revenue. Why? Because ROI matters. But with today’s sales enablement portals, CRM systems, marketing automation platforms, and other sales management tools, sales leaders have no shortage of data. However, according to a recent survey by Domo of more than 400 sales leaders across a wide range of industries, only 2% of sales leaders graded their relationship with their sales data at an A- or better, with no way to connect all of their data together.

According to Jeff, the biggest challenge facing most sales executives is the inability to react quickly and see even the next quarter out. “If your sales dashboard led to one more sale, upsell, or a better allocation of your pipeline coverage, wouldn’t it be worth it?” he said.

  1. Faster, better decision-making.

Having access to relevant data helps sales teams prioritize what really matters, eliminate data they don’t need to report on, and spend more time creating “value” for clients.

As just one example, Schneider Electric, a world leader in energy management, relies on real-time sales information through Domo to become a more agile sales operation and increase sales performance. With a large dispersed global sales organization, Schneider Electric had struggled to get useful information to their sales managers. They had a lot of data, but it was spread out across a variety of tools. Schneider wanted to enable its sales managers to use data to sell and serve their customers better.

Domo has helped Schneider Electric paint a much fuller picture for their sales managers, and increased the amount of time their sales team spends in the field with customers. They even run their sales team’s reviews using Domo.

“Before Domo, we had a 10% variance in our sales forecasts. Now we are seeing below 4% and 5% variances in forecasts.” Aamir Paul, SVP Sales and Business Development, Schneider Electric

  1. The ability to discover your strategic opportunities.

A recent Salesforce Research State of Sales Report found 60% of high-performing sales teams are already using, or planning to use, a mobile sales app to improve their sales performance. Domo Apps are powerful visualizations that answer key business questions, arming you with what you need to know, and what you need to do, to be highly successful. For example, Domo’s Sales Forecasting App allows sales leaders to compare actual sales vs. forecasts, identify customers, territories, and sales reps that are at risk, and socialize these risk areas across the team for immediate action.

To learn more about how Domo’s Business Cloud helps sales leaders create a holistic view of their entire sales operation in one place, and hear how some Domo customers achieved 294% ROI over three years, contact us.




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