Time Management: How Do Sales Reps Spend the Day?

Sep 25, 2024 - 11:00
Time Management: How Do Sales Reps Spend the Day?

Chris Harrington, Domo president, recently gave a presentation teaching sales leaders how to avoid “getting sold” by sales pros during the hiring process. The content has been hugely popular among sales leaders because of the practical yet simple approach Chris taught.

Earlier this week, Chris posted a few of his favorite questions that help weed out the posers from the pack.

Since time management is a critical (and seemingly disappearing) skill among today’s professionals, we also thought it would be helpful to share the questions Chris uses to determine if a sales pro knows how to maximize their time.

Here’s an excerpt from his presentation:

“The fourth question I’d ask is, ‘How do you spend your time?’ Between prospecting, discovery, proposal, following, closing, and servicing. More and more I’m seeing salespeople who simply don’t plan their day. Before they know it, they’ve wasted 30% of their selling time. The challenge associated with maintaining a sales funnel while servicing relationships with existing accounts is significant. Someone who knows how to manage his or her time is incredibly valuable to you. You may want to take some notes here and come to what they said once they are employed.”

“Question six is, ‘What are your short-term goals with us — 30, 60, 90, 120 days, etc.?’ You’re not just looking for the obvious — the training, Rolodex, shadowing and selling. You want to see that the rep has actually considered — truly considered — how they are going to approach their responsibilities and the opportunity with your company.

“By this time a really good sales executive will be working out in their head how they’re going to make money with you. They’re going to have gone deep on the ramp schedule for new reps, your support for new reps, your expectations for new reps … If they got to me at this point and they don’t understand this, then the interview is pretty much over. I don’t want a rep working for me that would let that much time and that many opportunities pass them by without gaining clarity around these critical pieces. The point is, if the rep doesn’t understand the ramp process then they don’t know how to make money with you. And that’s not a good position to be in at all.”

Chris has more than 25 years of sales leadership experience so his advice is as good as gold. This post contains just part of the presentation he gave at the InsideSales Sales Acceleration Summit so go here to get the full presentation and check out more ways sales leaders can build a more effective organization.

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