Tomas Kauer - Moderator

Tomas Kauer - Moderator

Last seen: 5 months ago

Member since May 6, 2024

Medieval wisdom of Hugh of St. Victor reveals value of ...

At a time when faith in higher education is, at least according to some polls, a...

Papal trips let Francis showcase a ‘poor church for the...

When Pope Francis’ plane touched down in Dili, the capital of East Timor — the m...

Vatican approves devotion but steers clear of supernatu...

The Vatican has attempted to deliver its judgment on the Marian apparitions and ...

Catholic&run institutions remain in disarray after Bang...

Catholic Church-run educational institutions and Christian-run financial organiz...

Pope to religious sisters: ‘Take decisive steps to foll...

Pope Francis encourages religious sisters gathered in Rome for their General Cha...

The shepherd’s heart and the people’s faith

Our Editorial Director says the “Nulla Osta” approval for Medjugorje was made po...

Faith by moonlight: Christian hope for the healing of e...

(Image: léa b | Eating disorders are a prevalent illness of the mo...

Belgian Catholic university accused of belittling Pope’...

A professor at the Catholic University of Leuven in Belgium has claimed the univ...

President Biden’s Incredible Vanishing Act Reveals Who’...

The president of the United States, often referred to as the “leader of the free...

Tusk jokes that Poles shouldn’t ‘panic’ if they see Ger...

“They are here to help,” the Polish PM said.

Netanyahu says UK has ‘undermined’ Israel with arms emb...

The Israeli prime minister accused Keir Starmer's government of "sending mixed m...

Italy opens door to chemical castration for rapists and...

Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni's right-wing coalition government wants to look to...