US President Joe Biden has said that if the “Lord Almighty” tells him to end his...
The US has seen the 200th individual on death row exonerated since 1973. The exo...
We are experiencing a new and exciting time of artistic creativity in Catholicis...
The Nativity of St John, like that of Our Lord, was celebrated by three Masses.
The document "would also prohibit bishops from themselves celebrating or authori...
This connection between music and painting underscores the importance of synesth...
Amid swirling rumors of another Vatican crackdown, the organizers of Missae pro ...
Let's all make a commitment to double this output next year, especially public a...
It is bound up with the cause for political Christianity.
On this 6th Sunday after Pentecost, we return to Epistle readings from the lette...
Above: The Visitation by Flemish painter Willem Vrelant (d. 1481). Today, July 2...
These poor heretics are fighting against Almighty God.
Thomas Jefferson wrote that “Nothing can now be believed which is seen in a news...
ROME – The Vatican’s doctrinal office has formally declared that a former US env...
Senior Catholic Cabinet Ministers were among the Conservative Party “big beasts”...
At the conclusion of his Sunday visit to the northeastern Italian city of Triest...