Catholic bishop describes ‘unprecedented flooding’ in n...

The Bishop of Thailand’s northernmost diocese describes the Church’s work to aid...

Youth climate leader: Timor&Leste stands with Pope Fran...

Pope Francis’ visit to Southeast Asia has made news around the world and in the ...

The synod on synodality needs to set its own agenda

The synod on synodality, which will hold its second and presumably last session ...

No matter who wins election, we face a new era for US C...

Last spring when NCR offered me a chance to contribute regularly, I decided earl...

New Mexico forum highlights Catholic views on nuclear d...

Tina Cordova has made it her life’s work to shed light on the negative health ef...

Pope Francis’ Singapore Mass fuels hopes for future pap...

As Pope Francis on Sept. 12 celebrated a Mass in one of Asia’s thriving metropol...

Gay marriage and surrogacy: Purchasing children and era...

The family courts have found themselves being asked to adjudicate the question o...

As Trump and Harris demonstrated, life Is debatable

Republican presidential nominee former president Donald Trump and Democratic pre...

‘Reagan’ Is a Simple, Powerful, and Timely Film for Our...

The verdict is beginning to settle in on the new Ronald Reagan biopic, and, like...

Day One in Singapore: ‘An orchid, an appeal, love for o...

Pope Francis’ first full day in Singapore kicks off with meetings with the Presi...

Pope at Mass: Love is the centre of the Gospel

During Mass at the National Stadium in Singapore, Pope Francis reminds the faith...

We Are All Liberal Protestants| National Catholic Register

COMMENTARY: To overcome the prevailing philosophy that permeates contemporary Am...

Satan’s Protection, An Oxford Professor Gave a Public L...

Satan’s Protection – J. Budziszewski, Ph.D., at The Underground Thomist Oxford E...

Christian school sues Maine over law deterring religiou...

Bangor Christian Schools building in Bangor, Maine. / Credit: Photo courtesy of ...

Travails of child migrant trek to U.S. spotlighted at I...

Leyden Rovelo-Krull is the director of Hispanic ministry in the Diocese of Kansa...